Nurture New Thoughts

Nurture New Thoughts

Science has recently come alongside faith to agree that the way we think can be changed. The literal form and function of our brains can be reshaped. This change (the WIN) will occur most effectively when we do three things. 1. Welcome and invite the Holy Spirit to change our thoughts and attitudes. 2. Invest and surrender time to let God change our brain. 3. Nest your thoughts and meditate on the words of the Bible.



What is the struggle right now? Where are you at in the process of becoming like Christ? Is it time to deal with anger, forgiveness, guilt, purpose, etc.?

Find some scripture that offers a new Godward direction and a change of your thought pattern.

Engage attention

Surrender time for deeply focused (undistracted) meditation and prayer. Finding time may be a matter of sacrificing something to make room for God and His Word to work in your life. (Psalm 37:7, 46:10, 62:1, 62:5)

Learn to be still and quiet. Learn to hear from God. Make 50% of your prayer listening to God.

Nail it down

The aim is to fix (attach, weld, secure, join) our thoughts on new thoughts that serve as replacements to the lies and distorted thinking we engage in.

Do what it takes to make scripture your new thoughts. Creating art is a powerful way to bring the maximum amount of focus to these new thoughts.

Draw it, write it down, make a song, rap it, blog it, journal about it, paint it, scrapbook it, or create digital meme art. Bet creative with these new thoughts and work them into your new identity.

Engage it often

Return your focus to new thinking throughout the day. Carry scripture on 3x5 cards. Email it to yourself. Take a picture of it. Bring your focus to the new thought throughout the day (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner).

Work it in

Post it, blog about it. Re-write it. Simplify it. Learn it so well you can explain it to your grandmother or a six-year-old. Don't buy that you get it. Keep working truth into your thinking. Don't try to overcome 10 years of errant thinking in one day. Aim to conquer one truth every month. Work on one thing every day for at least 3 weeks.