Guard Us From Evil

Guard us from evil

We recognize that we are also prey for the design of the evil one. We are not equally matched. We are not unlike Adam and Eve. We are likely to buy the lies. Be lured away by passions at war within us. We know our weakness and that is our humble confession to Him.

We recognize we are not obligated to follow the urges of our flesh but we are aware of our inclination to do so. So we plead with God to deliver us from evil.

Romans 8:12 NLT

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do.

It is now our desire to avoid temptation altogether and be delivered.

While God does allow testing, He is not involved in temptation. The situation may be the same but the design is different.

In Job’s sickness and great personal loss, the temptation is to curse God and die. He is invited to give in to despair. The trial side is to stay faithful and attached to a God who is completely good and to say, “though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

We have made it our destination to be part of the Kingdom and to live for Kingdom purposes. We also realize our capacity for self-deceit. We have been at war with the appetites of our flesh for a long time and we know the battle is tremendous. We don’t stand a chance unless He leads us away from temptation and delivers us from evil.